When I started Porte + Hall, I knew people would love our mats. They’re different than anything else out there. But what I didn’t expect was how much their dogs would love our mats.
Every week we receive photos from customers showing us their dogs sitting, standing, sleeping... even posing on our products. Nothing has brought us more joy than our canine customers. We've needed their unconditional love, playful antics, and, yes, loyalty to the brand. And let's face it, they make our job easier: they're the best supermodels ever!

When I create new mats, I make sure they look beautiful, and are also functional. So I put them through something I call The Brewster Test.
We are talking real life now: the call of nature for our furry friends. Like the good boy that he is, our dog Brewster waits at the door. But sometimes, his owner (ok, that’s me) misses the messaging. And there is nothing left for Brewster to do but… soil the mat. Only mats that are easy to clean in this situation pass the Test.

At Porte + Hall we are not aspiring to be a dog wee wee pad, but we believe your mat should be prepared for life’s messiness. Our Insider line is ready for this and any other dirt and moisture you’ve got. Our Outsider line scrapes away dirt and debris before you even enter the house. Both can be hosed down and dry in a snap.Then they're ready once again to let sleeping dogs lie (and do whatever else they care to do!)